Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Let me start off this post by saying that I have nothing against natural hair.  It is the way God made it and everything He makes is beautiful. I have seen some women who have made the natural look look so stylish that I have considered taking some clippers to my own head. Because it has made such a comeback (the last time natural hair was a big deal was in the 1970s), I feel inspired to write about it. 

Hair, especially in the black community, has been away for people to express themselves.  Rather it's hair color, braids, a weave, or now, thanks to celebrities Tyra Banks and Beyonce, lacefront wigs, black women have been doing creative things with their hair for centuries.  Even styles that I would not want to be buried in, I still respect the creativity of it.  But I think one thing that has irritated me when it comes to the whole natural look phenomenon is how black women become so offended when those of other races (and sometimes other black people) admire their hair or want to touch it.  You ask the wrong black woman to touch their hair and you could be getting yourself into a brawl.

I read a blog recently that said that this is a way of white people making black people property again because they can just reach out and touch some one's hair without asking.  I agree I would be a little creeped out if someone started touching my hair without asking but PROPERTY?  That is a  little extreme.  Why is it that every time someone of another race admires or comments on black culture, black people have to make it this huge race issue?  Some white women makes a comment or wants to touch your hair, tell her thank you and you prefer people not to touch your hair but don't bring it back to slavery!  When we get our panties all in a bunch about simple things, that to me is a bad look for our people.

This makes me remember an incident my freshmen year of college.  I was working in a group for a class project and I was the only black person in the group.  One day while working on the project, a member of the group (a white girl) said, "Please do not take this the wrong way, but I like your hair.  It's not like other black people's hair."  It took me back for minute but I said thank you and continued to work on the project.  I did not feel this need to give her a "what do you mean it not like other black people's hair?" speech and then make her feel like she was the biggest racist since the Ku Klux Klan.  As far as I am concern, she made a statement and I gave her a reply.  No need for the second Civil Rights Movement. 

Some people feel like natural hair is a political thing or breaking away from white standards.  I see it as one who is tired of paying $50 or more every 6 weeks for the creamy crack (relaxer).  Whatever your reasons, remember it is hair. No reason to start another war over it. 

1 comment:

  1. So true! And I think it's ridiculous that something as simple as hair has further divided people WITHIN the African-American community. Everyone was blastin' "I Am Not My Hair" by India.Arie, but yet they are making a big stink about being #teamnatural or #teamlonghairdontcare like it is the only thing that defines them. I don't care if you had the confidence to do the "big chop" I have the same confidence when my hair blows in the wind. Its just hair. You're not doing anyone but your scalp any favors by not getting a relaxer, don't get it twisted.

    In regard to the property thing, that may be even more ludicrous than the aforementioned attitude. Culturally we are different and Caucasians are a wee bit more open and curious than black people. So they don't really "get" why that's a problem to touch our hair. Curiosity is not the same as trying to be someones "Massa". Get a life, you probably had horrendous work ethic anyway. (not because you're black, but because its a lost art. Calm down.)

    *drops mic*
